Company Profile
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Company Name: C. Mata Export
Business Type: Natural Stone
Main Products:
Limestone Moleanos Beige , Mocacreme, Moleanos Creme, Limestone Blue Moleanos, Marmol Estremoz
Country/Region: PortugalPortugal
Established: Sep 18,1978
Verification Type: level 2YR idicon
Company Description

Portugal is a country thoroughly linked to stone work - a great part of its monuments and buildings have been basically built in stone along the centuries. All over the world the Portuguese decorative stones are used either in house building or applied in monuments. C.MATA EXPORT - CARFEMA a leading enterprise in this branch, exploits, transforms and exports a great deal of decorative quality stones. ++ Portugal é um país, inteiramente ligado à pedra - ao longo dos séculos grande parte dos seus monumentos e edifícios são, basicamente construídos em pedra. Por todo o mundo as rochas ornamentais portuguesas são utilizadas quer na construção civil quer aplicadas em monumentos. C.MATA EXPORT - CARFEMA empresa de ponta neste sector, explora, transforma e exporta uma vasta gama de rochas ornamentais de qualidade.

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The supplier's company certificate has been verified by StoneContact.Com.

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Production Capacity
Factory Size: 1
No. of Production Lines 8
Factory Location Rua da Liberdade 38, Casais Robustos 2380-562, Moitas Vendas Portugal
R&D Capacity Own Brand
quality management system
Trade Show